In honor of my newest follower on Twitter - lancomeparis - I decided to do a spotlight blog on one of my HG products. Lancome Dual Finish Versatile Powder Makeup.

I've used this product as a powder since I was in high school. I'm going to be 30 in November, so you do the math! I've always used it simply AS a powder, but it can also be used wet as a foundation. It provides a flawless MATTE finish.
When I was a young buck I only had to use this product on my face. That's how great the coverage is on it. 2 kids later my skin is a mess and I NEED a foundation underneath, but I still use the powder by itself when I need to run out for a minute or when I (rarely) go to the gym.
The mirrored compact comes with a thin powder puff, as well as a round sponge applicator. I personally only use the sponge because it provides more coverage. I only use this product dry, and have never tried it wet. The sponge just suits my needs more.
I recommend you go to Sephora or your local Lancome counter to get color matched on this one. I used Matte Amande II in HS and continued to do so up until about 2 or 3 years ago when I learned it was too dark and was promptly switched to Matte Bisque II by a Lancome MA. Thank goodness for her! There are SO many different shades it's impossible not to find one that will suit you.
I personally love the scent of a new dual finish, but for those of you who are allergic, or get nausous with those rosy smells, this product now also comes in fragrance free form.
This product is 100% worth the money. I use it every single day (only usually having to reapply once) and I only need to buy 2 a year. It LASTS.
This product retails for $35.50 on and
**With that said, this will be my last post until August! I'm going to my family reunion at Oglebay and we're leaving tomorrow! Have a great weekend everyone!
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