The exclusive shades are Stray Dog, Corrupt, Midnight Cowboy, Perversion, Asphyxia, and Uzi.
Lets first deal with the elephant in the room. The price tag. Yeahhh I know $92 SOUNDS like a lot... personally after I did the order I almost cancelled it, because it made me feel sick. But after I got them here and swatched everything I am TOTALLY in love and happy with this purchase. PLUS these are FULL size liners! Normally each would retail for $17 plus tax, plus the sharpener (which I've read excellent reviews on) is $9 too!
Below I'll start with some pics of the packaging and liners, after that we can move on to the swatches ;)

Packaging, obviously, is gorgeous. I love how the box opens and everything has it's place. There is shrink wrap around the black part that holds the pencils, and in my frenzy to get everything open I broke it =( You can't tell, but it makes me sad lol The case also magnetically shuts, which I love because it's just fancy. Who doesn't love fancy?
The 15 swatches below are in the same order (top to bottom) as they come in the box. For referance, the swatches below (from top to bottom) Stray Dog, Corrupt, Bourbon, Midnight Cowboy, Baked, Stash, Mildew, Perversion, Electric, Binge, Ransom, Asphyxia, Rockstar, Zero, and Uzi:
With Flash:

Without Flash:

Urban Decay Glide-On Eye Pencils literally DO glide on. And they STAY on. After I did these swatches I tried soap, water and elbow grease and they didn't even fade! MAC Bulk Wipes helped, but in the end I had to bust out my makeup remover. Only thing to watch out for, they are soft. I wasn't even pressing hard and Stray Dog lost it's tip.
Four of the exclusive shades are HG material. If Urban Decay would make Stray Dog, Corrupt, Midnight Cowboy, and Uzi perm, I could die a happy woman.
The Urban Decay 15th Anniversary set retails for $92 plus tax (USD) and is available at and
Omg this set looks so amazing!!! Why oh why did I ban myself from buying more makeup :(
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