(pics are clickable for full size viewing)
FINALLY MAC Fabulous Felines arrived today!!
First things first - haul photo!

I listed what I bought in
this post and paid for the 2 day shipping, hoping I'd have the items for Thursday when FF launched in MAC stores and counters. Obviously 2 day shipping is worthless when you live so close to the distribution center =(
I'm not going to be going over the makeup remover or clear brow gel set. These are just HG's of mine that I had to order. The Jin Soon Jade Dragon nail polish will be tomorrow's NOTD swatch. This post will be all about the makeup!

I had heard Wildly Refined was an almost dupe for Light That Fire! Immediately I swatched them, along with Bendel Girl (which I've always thought was a dupe for Light That Fire!) and, respectfully, I don't think it's a dupe at all.
From Top to Bottom - Wildly Refined, Light That Fire!, Bendel Girl

From Top to Bottom - Wildly Refined, Light That Fire!, Bendel Girl (with flash)

From Top to Bottom - Wildly Refined, Light That Fire!, Bendel Girl (without flash)

As you can see from the swatches (with flash), Wildly Refined is much more pink. As I sit in the shade with the swatches on my arm they DO look slightly similar, but in the light there is absolutely no way they are dupes. In the non-flash photo Wildly Refined looks more copper-peach. It all has to do with the glitter colors in the lipglass. Still... not dupes. Final answer.
Next I swatched, with Wildly Refined Lipglass, Spree lipglass, Desires & Devices Superslick Liquid Eye Liner, and Utterly Game Mineralized Blush.
From Top to Bottom - Utterly Game Mineralized Blush, Desires & Devices SSLEL, Wildly Refined lipglass, Spree Lipglass

Utterly Game Mineralized Blush, at first swatch, has impressed me. It's incredibly pigmented and smooth. It doesn't seem as shimmery and glimmery as mineralized blushes of yore. A wonderful addition to my peach blush collection ;)
Desires & Devices Superslick Liquid Eye Liner is GORGEOUS. A beautiful Deep black green old gold....If I can get myself to apply this correctly I see many more in my future. I hear they're perm but that horrid little black triangle (LE FLAG!) on the MAC site states differently. FYI I had an EXTREMELY hard time wiping this off of my arm. I had to scrub til it hurt!
We've been over Wildly Refined color wise, it really is gorgeous. Not so much what I expected, but definately not a regrettable purchase.
Spree Lipglass has come out before with the Novel Twist collection, which was a Nordstrom exclusive collection from a few years ago. It sold out pretty quickly, but I just wasn't impressed with it. The Nordies Exclusive collections come out in Summer, so maybe that's why I didn't like Spree then, but I LOVE it now. My how our tastes change through the seasons!
Next comes the Burmese Beauty Quad:
From Top to Bottom - Skintone 2, Showstopper, Burmese Beauty, Prized
Skintone 2 is a Frost. Beautifully pigmented and smooth. Buying the quad is worth it for this one alone.
Showstopper has been in a few other palettes with MAC. It's a matte (which I hate working with but LOVE) and was exactly what I was looking for in a brown. Sorry the swatch is spotty, I was just working with a finger and not any type of brush.
Burmese Beauty is a (GASP) Lustre. Hate lustres. Hate them with the fire of a thousand suns. I actually didn't have much issue pulling up color with this one. It swatched well and will hopefully be just as easy to work with on my eyes. It reminded me of Blue Brown pigment. So if you hate working with pigments but love the look of Blue Brown this would be a good one for you.
Prized is a Satin and is almost the exact same color as my skin, apparently. I wish this one was a part of the permanent line. I could totally see this one replacing Grain as my HG highlighter.
Originally I didn't want any of these quads, but it was literally making me sick (so weird) that I wasn't getting one. I was in the market for a matte brown and a pretty gold so Burmese Beauty seemed like the smartest option.
I thought this was a pretty good launch from MAC. It didn't scream at me that I needed it all (which makes hubby happy) but it has some good options for just about everyone.
I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get Lithe pigment or Aristo-cat lippie. Maybe next haul ;)