I know a lot of you are International, or maybe just don't give a who-ha... but this year I totally give a who-ha because I'm from Pittsburgh! And the Pittsburgh Steelers are vying for their SEVENTH Superbowl win against the Green Bay Packers.
Here is my Pittsburgh Steelers inspired Mani:

The above is Orly Top 2 Bottom Base Coat, 2 Coats of Missha Crystal (Nat from AUS sent this to me, so I have no idea what the name is... not on the bottle!), and a top coat of Seche Vite. I posted two pics because the second one is meant to show off the gorgeous rainbow shimmer.
And, of course, I added OPI Black Shatter:

I'm not liking the shatter so much over the Missha. I think it's because that Missha is, hands down, the most gorgeous polish of all time. It may even beat out my fav OPI Teenage Dream... since it wasn't such a dream to get off lol
I'm also going to be doing some Steelers inspired eye balls, hopefully I'll be able to get a decent pic of that for you and post a FOTD as well. Happy Sunday, everyone! And GOOD LUCK, STEELERS!
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