As a spin-off to THIS post, where I swatched and reviewed Viva Glam Gaga & Cyndi, I decided to do some lip swatches of the two. I have a close up of Cyndi, because that is what I have on today, and the the pic with me wearing Gaga I'm with my kiddies, it was from earlier in the week.
For Gaga and Cyndi I am wearing both the lipstick AND the lipglass.

for reference, a pic of my lips with nothing on them


The colors are seriously gorgeous, the best Viva Glams that MAC has ever had! Retail is $14.50 plus tax and proceeds benefit AIDS research so run on over to and get yours NOW!
They both look great on you but Cyndi is a definite winner in my opinion!
Let me grab that eyelash off your cheek.. Okay, now blow and make a wish!
du hast auf dem bild mit dem cindy lipstick eine wimper auf der wange, hoffe hast sie entdeckt und dir was gewünscht, grins. ein schöner blog und liebe grüsse aus deutschland
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