The post everyone has been waiting for! The full run down of my day with Dior! Even to people who have asked about it I've been very mystic ;) I wanted the reveal all to be on my blog! (SORRY for the huge delay in posting this. It's been a crazy weekend.. sick kids, bridal shower, broke the phone... etc).
A few weeks ago I signed up myself and my bestie Falyn to have our Makeup done by Rodderick Gregg and his team of Dior artists. Roddy (as he introduced himself) has done makeup on some REALLY gorgeous people (ahem... BEYONCE!) and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity for Falyn and I to have a day without the kids! I can't even TELL you the last time we got out of the house to hang out together without our kids.
This was also my FIRST event. Ever. Event virgin. Right here. I get to read on all of the other blogs about people going to get their makeup done, or being invited to special launch events... I've seriously NEVER done that. I always have the kids or something else is going on in our huge family.
I've had my makeup done before. The first time was at Clinique for my friends wedding. They did a really excellent job, very neutral, lasted all night. It wasn't anything special.. just me running in because I was too lazy to do it myself.
A few years later I had my makeup done at MAC. I was actually really disappointed in that one (even though I'm still pretty loyal to most of the brand). I went with HIGH expectations but all of the main people were doing makeup for a Macy's fashion show going on that day. I swear the girl who did my makeup had no idea how to do makeup or she was new and extremely nervous. I remember it was when Naughty Nauticals came out. It took her almost THREE hours to do a minimal look and I did my own lips and eye liner. She never broke away from me once so it's not like she was waiting on people too. My ass and neck hurt so bad by the end of it and the result was nothing impressive. I've never let someone do my makeup since.
The Background:
Two or three weeks ago I was in Nordstrom with my cousins and the kids and I had a not so pleasent time trying to do a return at the YSL/NARS counter. I have held several retail management positions before I had my kids so I think it appals me moreso than the normal person when I run into sales people that are ridiculous. Long story short, by the end of it all I was ready to write off Nordstrom for good and concentrate on purchasing all of my items from Macy's or Sephora where they have happy people working who are actually appriciative of their customers.
Enter Kathy at Dior. She totally turned me around. I walked back to Dior to check to see if Misty Mauve- 844(shown HERE at 5 colour was in stock. It never is, but it never hurts to look! Kathy is (no joke) one of the most amazing people I've ever met. She has excellent customer service, she could sell the brand to an 80 year old school marm, and she knows her stuff. She kept my kids occupied by loading them up with some Dior pamphlets, books, gooddieessss lol and hooked up Momma bear as well with some awesome samples. She told me about the event with Roddy and I immediately had to do it. I needed an excuse to get BACK to Nordies and buy some Dior with Kathy.
The Event:
Coming into Nordies I was taken aback. I really didn't expect the event to be so huge! It bordered the whole front of the makeup area of Nordies and there were several artists working on several different people, like an assembly line.
Here are Falyn and I hanging out in the back room "holding area" -

You can sort of see the assembly line system (that was mentioned before) they had going on to the right of this pic. This is also Brandon working on Falyn.

Brandon started off applying skincare and explaining the system to us. So far, based off of my samples of Capture Totale and the session with Brandon, I "Adore Dior" skin care. Hopefully once mine runs out I can afford a re-stock!
After Brandon applied skin care he set us up with some Diorskin Airflash Spray Makeup - flawless... It's $60 retail and I bought it, so that should tell you something. He based us up a little more, did our brows (with the DiorShow Brow Styler which adjusts to MATCH your hair color. AMAZING), and sent us down to Roddy for eyes with the promise to do the finishing work.
As I sat in Roddy's chair I felt ... for lack of a more interesting word ... special. He asked what I was looking to have done today. This is a major makeup artist... I told him "Do whatever you want." lol Seriously though, I'm not going to go to an event like this and go boring neutral. I wanted something FUN, that I would never do to myself. For my eyes he chose the Dior 5-Color Palette in Twilight, which I can't find on Nordies site to link up to, but click HERE to check it out at
Pics of Roddy applying the eyes on me and the after photo (sorry for the quality, the camera was in my purse and the settings got messed up, I didn't think to check them before I handed off the camera. Yes I know I need a point and shoot for these situations. Any suggestions???)

He applies makeup like a dream. I kept thinking the word "efficient" in my head. it was all so fast and felt perfect! I'm not sure how the fading happened in the crease so quickly, or if it is supposed to be like that? He prepped me with Dior Skinflash and used the Twilight 5-Colour Palette with a black liner for a base (which he applied and blended with a brush, cool trick!).
For Falyn, he used the Extase Pinks 5 Colour Haute Couture Eye Shadow Palette. She LOVED the look and bought the palette!
Roddy Working On Falyn:

Falyn - The Result:

For the rest of our faces (cleanup, blush and lips) we had new buddy Brandon working on us. Mister Skincare ;) who is probably my new favorite person. He's extremely skilled and knowledgeable, and works with some pretty awesome people himself ;) Maybe we should refer to him as Mister Jetsetter?!

I cannot for the life of me remember the lips I had done or the blush that was used, but I know that I was all highlighted up with a DiorSkin Shimmer Pressed Powder.
Total Falyn and I each walked off with the Airflash Skin Makeup, the Brow, and a 5-Colour Eyeshadow palette. I got Beige Massai instead of Twilight... because, let's face it.. momma ain't wearing blues regularly.
A pic of my haul, minus Beige Massai, which is in the mail:

PS ~ Special thanks to Christine at for having an awesome database for me to research and link to ;)
I might die if I don't get that airflash
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