My good day continued!
Not only did I overhaul the closet (which actually caused a migraine... never try to do this when you have 2 small children) which now has much more room and looks fabulous.... BUT FedEx dropped off my first Rock & Republic makeup item!
Recently had 50% off and 99 cent shipping on their site. I've been lemming a blush for some time now but the $40 price tag is a big put off. HauteLook had a sale with them recently but their shipping was $6.95 and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. When the R&R website had their sale I DOVE right on it.
I've been searching high and low for my perfect pink blush. I'm a mostly coral/nude blush wearer, so it's definately not easy to find that perfect pink. SPANK is seriously the perfect pink. Smooth, buildable, blendable, and chic. I can see WHY they charge what they do for their cosmetics... when you touch this blush it just makes you feel rich inside.

The packaging is to die for. Heavy and durable. You get quite a bit of product for your money.

Everyone needs to own at least one item from Rock & Republic... whether it be a blush, shadow, gloss... I am going to make my wishlist now, maybe Santa will come early ;)
wow the color is so nice. I like these light pink type of colors.
yeah I didn't expect them to be so nice or pigmented... very nice surprise!! It's what I was expecting of MAC Angel when I had it. <3
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