**Although I will say that Blue India np has been holding up FABULOUSLY!
Today I went to my friend Janels bridal shower. Janel and I were friends in high school and roommates at Pitt! I'm so excited she is getting married, the wedding will be beyond beautiful!
She had her bridal shower at the Hard Rock Cafe. Who knew they did stuff like that?! Where else in one day do you get to attend a bridal shower, meet a Gene Simmons imposter, and see a guy riding his bike on his back? Only at the Hard Rock Cafe Pittsburgh!
Yes. We really DID meet a Gene Simmons imposter. The middle aged ladies at my table were going wild. Turns out he's the impersonator in the area. Who the heck walks around ALL day dressed like Gene Simmons?! I'm thinking he LOVES the attention. Yes?
I went down with my friend Megan. AKA the M-Mza. She is hilarious, and we always see crazy things together. Some friends from Pitt that I haven't seen in TEN years were there too. We had a blast celebrating Janel and reminiscing.
I, of course, being the genius that I am, left my camera in the car, so we had an impromptu photo shoot in the parking garage... my makeup looks whack... but I didn't refresh before we did this ;)
Happy weekend everyone!

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